Future Prayers

John wrote in his first epistle this is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him. Quite a promise.


Because of Christ, we have a beautiful future. Jesus Christ promised that He would build His church and we are His church. Over these next forty days together we will ask God to help us worship, build, send, serve, and more in light of His promise.

Thank you for giving yourself to prayer and considering these prayers as you pray.—Pastor Joe

The Future as Christ's Church

  • All our confidence about the future would be in God, who is Father.


  • We would look to the future with winsomeness, great expectancy, and joy.


  • Our concern about the future would be about God’s glory rather than our own security, as that has already been taken care of.


  • Since future victory is sure, be strong and steady, always abounding in the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever wasted as it would be if there were no resurrection. (1 Corinthians 15:58)


  • We would praise God often for the future grace we have waiting for us in Christ, letting it continually change the framing of our lives.


The Leadership of Christ's Church

  • ​We would earn the church's trust by being trustworthy.


  • Good leaders know their place. Please ask God that we would know ours.


  • We would be humble, well-mannered, tender, joyful, brave, expectant, generous, and in touch with our weakness so that Christ’s power may rest on us.


  • We would be men of the Word, of prayer, of vision, and the Gospel.


  • We would do our homework, pray a lot, taking initiative when suitable. In light of the latter, God would give us the grace to understand our times, be a great joy to God’s people, with an honest fight against our indwelling sin, which will always be a part of us.


Our Relationship to One Another

  • Together, we would continuously be led to the joy of simple and steady reliance on Christ.


  • Because even saints are sinners, and because the longer we are in the light, the more we understand why we need a savior; may God give us the grace to relate to each other, not through our performance but the performance of Christ.  No rating, no judging, no condemning.


  • Jesus is the most understanding person in the universe. May we grow in this grace.


  • No resentment, no anger, no temper, no violent self-assertiveness, no slander, and no malicious remarks. Kind to each other, understanding. As ready to forgive others as God, for Christ’s sake, has forgiven us. (Ephesians 4:31-32)


God's Goodness

  • Fill our hearts with overflowing unstoppable joy and gladness, reminding us that we always have, Your all sufficiency in all things.


  • Remind us, in Christ, our past, our sins, our former barrenness, our current brokenness has been dealt with conclusively and savingly at the cross.


  • That we would be given the grace to believe with a depth which we have yet to know God is our Father, He is good, our refuge, therefore will not be put to shame, ‘for those who look to you are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.'


  • That we would believe, the word of God from Psalm 18:35, You have given me your salvation as my shield. Your right hand, O Lord, supports me; your gentleness has made me great.


  • We would be refreshed by God’s restoring love and unstoppable goodness.


Gospel Advancement

  • God would increasingly bring men, women, and young people under the hearing of the Gospel.


  • By God’s grace, they would believe, accepting Him as their Savior, rejoice in Him as their righteousness, and serve Him as their King in the fellowship of His Church.


  • All of us be given the grace to continue to present Christ Jesus in conversation, preaching, and podcast in the power of the Holy Spirit.


  • God would enable us to run the race set before us, serving the lost (1 Corinthians 9:19) to win as many as possible.