MN Adult & Teen Challenge – Service & Meal
February 23 @ 10:30 am

MNTC will be joining us in February!
We welcome everyone to come to serve, encourage, and pray with this group of men in their life’s journey and fight against drug and alcohol addiction. Please save the date.
In the foyer are sign-up sheets for meal donations and volunteers needed to help serve in the kitchen and gym.
During the worship service, we will worship and hear testimonies of faith in Christ, there will be a leadership-led time with questions and answers, a time of small group congregational prayer, and communion. Then, at the end of the service, an offering will be taken for the ministry. Checks can be made to MNTC or through text-to-give: text Duluth to 80888.
Immediately following the service there will be a family-style meal served in the gym. Our guests are visiting from Duluth. Please join us as we enjoy a meal together before their departure.