Wednesday Evening Ministries
There's something for everyone! AWANA: Winter Beach Party Ages 0-3—Nursery Ages 3-5th Grade—Sanctuary Youth 6th-12th Grade—Youth Room Men's & Women's Bible Study—Room 101 Learn More >
Men’s Conversation Group
Join us for community and conversation. Our topic will be: What do you believe about heaven and hell? Why do you believe what you believe? This event is free and open to all men 13 years and older. Snacks and beverages provided. We meet at the Bass Brook Community Center (105 NW 5th Street, Cohasset)…
Women’s Gathering
Ladies, teens and up, are invited to the next Women's Gathering for fun and fellowship hosted by Nicole in Grand Rapids. Everyone is invited to bring a wrapped gift of one of your 'favorite' things ($10 or less). It can be anything you'd like to share such as a candle, food item, book, or beauty product, etc. No…
Sunday Morning Bible Classes
PreK-K Generations of Grace Seedlings Room 1st-5th Grade Generations of Grace Youth Room Youth: 6th-12th Grade Navigating Gospel Truth Room 102 Bible Studies Glorifying Jesus - John 18-21 Room 101
Coffee & Connections
Refreshments and treats will be served 10-10:20am before the Worship Service.
Worship Service
Join us at 10:30am for our worship service in-person or live on Facebook.
Family Meal – Join us for Breakfast!
This year we will share a meal once a month! All are invited to join us for breakfast. In lieu of Bible classes and Coffee and Connections, a meal and beverages will be served between 9:00 and 10:15am.
Adult Board Game Night
Adults, 18 and older, are invited to play board games at WCC together, and bring your friend(s)! Snacks and water will be provided. Feel free to bring a game you like or come experience a new game!
Basics: Becoming a Member at WCC
This is a class for those who are interested in membership. Pastor Joe will cover the basics of the Christian faith and what it means to be a member at WCC. We will meet in classroom 201. Learn More
Grand Village Service
This is a WCC-led worship service. If you are interested in helping, please connect with one of our elders.