Youth Group

Youth 6th grade - 12th grade are invited to join us on Wednesday nights!  Come and enjoy studying God's Word, friends and fellowship.  You are always encouraged to bring your friends.  We meet in the Youth Room upstairs.

Women’s Bible Study – James: Walking in Wisdom

Itasca County Family YMCA - Active Living Center 400 River Road, Grand Rapids, MN, United States

Ladies are invited to join in our study of James: Walking in Wisdom led by Lindsey Holsman. The book of James is much loved for its wisdom and practical instruction on living the Christian life.  James, who was the half-brother of Jesus, wrote this epistle to teach his readers about walking faithfully with Christ in…

Tough Questions – A New Youth Sunday Morning Bible Study!

Youth are invited to participate in this new Bible Study on Sunday mornings in Room 102. This study is designed to explain what it means to be a Christian and to present a non-Christian with the challenging message of Jesus. The studies are all based on passages from the Gospel of Mark and focus on…

Women’s Gathering

Ladies are invited out for a morning of walking and fellowship. Bring your snacks, refreshments, and friends! We will meet at the Forest History Center parking lot and walk behind the hospital.

Women’s Gathering

Ladies, teens and up, are invited to an evening of fellowship and fun at Hotel Rapids for Crepes in Grand Rapids.

Women’s Gathering – Cookie Bake

Ladies ages 13 and older are invited to join us for fellowship and an evening of baking at WCC! All are encouraged to bring ingredients to make a couple dozen cookies. These treats will be served during our Christmas Program and Christmas Eve at CoHaus Sevices. If you are unable to attend, but would still like…

Men’s Conversation Group

Join us for community and conversation. Our topic will be: What is your favorite meal that your parents cook (or used to cook)? Explain why you like this meal so much. This event is free and open to all men 13 years and older. Snacks and beverages provided. We meet at the Bass Brook Community…