Letter To Our Children
by Pastor Joe | October 21, 2021 | Letters To Our Children
October 21, 2021
Hello Friends,
As many of you know, we have been in 40 days of prayer as a church. Thank you for praying. Prayer is the deepest expression of our dependence on God we have as human beings. Dependence is a beautiful and honest word. Dependence is a word that I have grown to love.
Dependence, says the Cambridge Dictionary, is the situation in which you need something or someone all the time, especially to continue existing or operating.
The final three requests of the Lord’s prayer (asking for daily bread, the forgiveness of our sins, and our daily need for deliverance from evil) are expressions of our dependence on His grace. Jesus knows dependence is a basic part of every Christian’s life. So, when we pray as Jesus taught, we recognize this.
Jesus taught that dependence grows as we grow. He said, I am the vine; you are the branches. (John 15:5). No vine, the branches die, meaning without Him, we cannot do a thing.
Jesus not only taught dependence, but He lived it. He was born a baby fully dependent on the care of His mother. He needed to be fed, wiped, washed, taught to talk, walk, and go potty. Yet, He never lost His divine dignity. If dependence was correct for Christ, it is certainly right for us.
In our prayers, as we mature and in our daily life, dependence is good. Enjoy this truth. Take as much as you need.
You are so important. I depend on you.
Your friend and brother in Christ,