Letter To Our Children
by Pastor Joe | February 15, 2023 | Letters To Our Children
February 15, 2023
For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
Liar, liar pants on fire.
The phrase originated in a poem by William Blake entitled The Liar.
Hello friends!
One of the main and plain schemes of the Evil One is attacking Christians through accusations. Accusation means saying or claiming someone has done something illegal, immoral, or unkind.
As the father of lies (John 8:44), the Evil One will do all that he can to make Christians think or feel that they are under God’s condemnation, when the truth is, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1)
Often, when the Accuser tempts us to despair, it will come with these thoughts,
Would a true Christian really think that?
How could a true Christian ever do that?
You call yourself a Christian, and you did that!
When they come, do we point out that last week was a very good week? Do we say we did every Bible study every time, prayed seven times a day, or had plenty of church time to beat back his accusation or perhaps our guilt?
While certainly, any good work we do is evidence of God’s grace working in us. But with double certainty, any list of good things we do will ever satisfy the accuser. Our best response is to confront the Evil One and tell him that Jesus bore our sins in His death, He rose to victory for our justification, and we are now united to Him and have every one of His benefits by His grace and through faith alone. And that will always be the best and most important thing about us for this reason; the best and most important thing is not what we do but whose we are in Christ. It is Christ in you which is the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).
You see, the issue is always the Gospel. We must ask ourselves, have I come to entrust myself to Christ? Have I admitted who He is, who I am, and why I need Him? Is my hope in Jesus and what He's done for me, and not in any way what I do for Him? If I can answer yes, then we can confront the devil's lies and accusations with the Gospel of no condemnation.
So, when he comes to you and says things like you're not a Christian, you're not saved, you're not forgiven, you're not good enough, and you are condemned, and he will. Take refuge in the finished work of Jesus on your behalf. Jesus has already won the victory. Therefore, hidden in Him, His victory is now yours, and not one of the Evil One's accusations can change that glorious truth.
I keep telling myself and my Christian friends Satan’s strategy is anything but the Gospel. Now we know part of the reason why.
God bless you this week. You are in my day and night prayers.
Pastor Joe