Letter To Our Children

by Pastor Joe | March 2, 2022 | Letters To Our Children


March 2, 2022

The wonderful thing about praying is that you leave a world of not being able to do something and enter God's realm where everything is possible.


He specializes in the impossible.


Nothing is too great for his almighty power. Nothing is too small for his love.


Corrie Ten Boom (1892-1983)

Map of Ukraine and surrounding countries

Hello Friends!


Prayer, in Christ's name, is part of the Christian life. It is a gracious gift from God for living in a fallen world; and the right to pray to God as Father was won for us by Jesus Christ in His suffering and death on the cross. His death and resurrection guarantee the Christian will always be warmly welcomed, lovingly heard, and perfectly answered by God.


What is prayer?

Prayer is our air. It is a wonder and mystery as much as it is a necessity. Prayer at its root is pouring out our whole heart to God to praise Him, ask Him for all things needed, talk to God about the world and His Kingdom, confess our sin, and thank Him. The Lord's Prayer is the model for prayer. Everything everyone needs spiritually and physically is in the arms of His prayer.

Prayer is the act of asking God to do what He has already

promised to do, which is modeled throughout the Bible

by the patriarchs, the psalmists, the prophets,

Jesus, and the apostles. 

J. Gary Miller

Why do Christians pray? 

Here is one reason. Prayer and our helplessness cannot be separated. We pray because we are helpless. Sometimes we do not know what to do—so we pray. Sometimes we are in great trouble—so we pray. Sometimes people we know or know of do not know what to do—so we pray for them. Sometimes they are in great trouble, and we pray for them.


Our helplessness then is not a weakness, but a strength, for it takes us to God. He is a tender-hearted Father who made His true children always and completely dependent on Him every day for everything. To be wholly dependent on God is a privilege. Prayer, in Christ's name, is how we show our dependence.


Therefore, when there are big events taking place in our world, as there are now, we rush to our Heavenly Father’s throne of grace and power to pray, and throughout the Bible, we are encouraged to do this.

  • Knock, Open; Ask, Receive; Seek, Find (Matthew 7:7-8).
  • Abide in Christ, Abide in His word, Ask, it will be done (John 15:7).
  • Don’t be anxious and make a specific prayer list to God (Philippines 4:6).
  • World leaders need our prayers, and in some ways, world peace depends on our prayers (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
  • Come to God’s throne with confidence (Hebrews 4:16).

People need your prayers.

Just as prayer is a basic part of the Christian life; war, sadly, is also a basic part of this broken world. War is a terrible way human beings decide to settle problems or cause harm and steal from others. No one is good at war.


I imagine you know something about what is happening in our world right now. There are people in Ukraine and Russia who are in great need of prayer in Christ’s name. There are leaders in those nations and every nation who are also in great need of your prayers in Christ’s name. Will you please pray for them? Children, moms, dads, workers, soldiers, people in hospitals, the homeless, prisoners, leaders, bad people doing bad things, good people trying to do brave things, everyone needs your prayers.


Kids’ prayer in Christ’s name is powerful. When you pray, you are helping the world. But prayer can be hard to start. Prayer can be hard work. Every honest Christian will tell you this. However, to me, it is amazing God has chosen our prayers as part of His plan to help the whole world. Think of it!


Right now, Christ is praying for every Christian in the whole world (Romans 8:34), and right now, we have the privilege to pray for them, but also everyone else. Especially people in Ukraine and Russia. Your prayers are an important part of God’s plan for the world, as nothing is impossible with God.



Thank you for considering these things.


Pastor Joe