Letter To Our Children

by Pastor Joe | July 27, 2022 | Letters To Our Children


July 27, 2022


What is God?

God is a Spirit and does not have a body like men.


Where is God?

God is everywhere.


Can you see God?

No. I cannot see God, but He always sees me.


Does God know all things?

Yes. Nothing can be hidden from God.


Children’s Questions and Answers #9-12



“Who can hide in secret places

so that I cannot see them?”

declares the Lord.

“Do not I fill heaven and earth?”

declares the Lord.

Jeremiah 23:24


Hello Friends,


How big is the universe? It's one of the most basic questions in astronomy. Astronomy is the study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, and other objects and occurrences in space.


According to Nasa, our universe is 28 billion light years in diameter. Okay, how big is 28 billion light years? Maybe this video will help you. (How Big is Space?) (Please make sure you ask your parents before clicking on the link.)


How big is God? That is an even better question. Here’s a good answer. God is bigger than the universe.


God is Spirit


God is fully present in all places, great and small. However, don’t think of God as filling space because He can’t be measured. God is Spirit. (John 4:24) God is complete in the fullness of all He is, being everywhere. For example, sometimes our parents will say, are you listening to me? Because they know they do not have our attention. They know we are not there, even though we are there. That is never a problem with God. God is all of Himself everywhere. Nothing can be hidden from God. Think of it; God gives His full attention and His full presence to billions of precious people at the same time.


God is All-knowing and All Power


Omni is a part of a fancy word theologians use which means all or always. So, to describe God as Omnipresent is to describe Him as being all and always present, and to describe God as Omnipotent means God is always all-powerful. He never knows decline.


I know that you can do anything and that no one can stop you, (Job 42:2) is what Job said to God at the tail end of his sufferings. Job understood that all power belongs to God. Therefore, no other power anywhere can defeat Him, stop Him, or hinder any of His plans. God is love, is truth, and all His plans are perfect, praiseworthy, and good. This is tremendous news!


Knowing God


Once when David was afraid, He wrote, I love you Lord, my strength, in whom I take refuge. In going to God for refuge, David was going to the highest, strongest, safest, purist power anywhere. David knew God.


If a person is not a Christian, knowing that God is always present (Omnipresent) and all-powerful (Omnipotent) should make them stop and think about their life. But if a person is a Christian, this should give them peace and joy that their Father in heaven constantly has His loving eyes on them.


Many years ago, a very young man said to begin a sermon,

Would you lose your sorrow? Would you drown your cares?

Then go, plunge yourself in (God’s) deepest sea; be lost in His immensity.

And you shall come forth as from a couch of rest, refreshed and invigorated.

I know nothing which can so comfort the soul; speak peace to the winds of trial, as deep thinking about God.

What do you say we get lost in the greatness of our God, our Father?



God bless you in all things great and small this week. We are so well loved.


Pastor Joe