Letters to the Family of God
by Joe Franzone | January 6, 2022 | Pastor's Blog

January 6, 2022
So, neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. (1 Corinthians 3:7)

Dear Friends,
For your encouragement
I read recently that the famous American actor of a generation ago, Steve McQueen, bowed down and trusted in Christ before he died in 1980.
For a long time, Steven lived a messy life that was built on poor moral choices, addictions, and chaotic divorces. The last person in the world the common person might think would become a Christian. However, through a series of common circumstances, a pastor shared the gospel with him, and everything changed. He began to do things and express things that had never been a part of his life before. Sunday worship and Bible study were now common. He remained in awe of God, who would show him, such love.
As you think about people you love, people who seem now a million miles away from Christ. Dear saint, take heart. This frail short life will show our God does all things well. Keep planting, keep watering, keep praying. Sometimes victory in this life is simply enduring.
Don’t forget about God’s grace. There are millions of people He saved by His grace in 2021. He hasn’t changed. His power had not been diminished. His zeal, His love, His gentleness, nor His power to make things grow!
This time last year I read the following. It was a great mercy that God laid this in my lap. With all my heart I hope it encourages you.
God gives unexpected strength. God gives help, and God’s help is more than help for He bears all the burden and supplies all the need.
There are billions of Steve McQueen’s in the world, thousands in our community. Therefore, we take heart, for centuries He has been making men and women new creations.
May God mercifully broaden our vision of Him, enlarge our passion for others, widen our view of the world, deepen our dependency, deepen our confidence in Him and enhance our expectations of all He will do.
Happy New Year!
With all my love in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pastor Joe