Letters to the Family of God
by Joe Franzone | October 13, 2021 | Pastor's Blog

October 13, 2021
I was born by the river,
In a little tent
Oh, and just like the river
I've been running ever since
It's been a long,
A long time coming
But I know a change gonna come
Oh yes, it will
A Change Is Gonna Come, by Sam Cooke
Those who look to Him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.
Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.

Dear Friends,
The Gospel is central to the Bible, the church, and the Christian life. It is the most loving, most comforting, and most needed truth. It doesn’t focus on our works nor the works of the law. But it does focus on Christ's work of love at the cross; and the mercy of the Father who saw we were weighed down by the curse of the law, unable to free ourselves. It is this gospel that tells us we are completely accepted in Christ.
Because of this, as we continue together on our 40 Days of Prayer, in addition to last week's suggested prayers, I would like to suggest the following prayers. These prayers are concentrated on how good God is, and His greatness towards us, His children.
It is no surprise that our times are marked by fault-finding, condemning, and growing hopelessness about our present and the future. Pessimism and not optimism seem to be the order of the day, and it can easily find its way into our lives or Christ church. If we have no place to take our sin, we can easily take it out on each other. However, the church of Jesus Christ has never tied its present condition nor its future hope on worldly conditions, wisdom, and not even her brokenness. All our hope is in Christ, and our native air is prayer in His name.
- Fill our hearts with overflowing unstoppable joy and gladness, reminding us that we always have, Your all sufficiency in all things.
- Remind us, in Christ, our past, our sins, our former barrenness, our current brokenness has been dealt with conclusively and savingly at the cross.
- That we would be given the grace to believe with a depth which we have yet to know God is our Father, He is good, our refuge, therefore will not be put to shame, ‘for those who look to you are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.’
- That we would believe, the word of God from Psalm 18:35, You have given me your salvation as my shield. Your right hand, O Lord, supports me; your gentleness has made me great.
- We would be refreshed by God’s restoring love and unstoppable goodness.
Thank you for giving yourself to prayer and considering these prayers as you pray.
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Pastor Joe