Letters to the Family of God

by Joe Franzone | April 4, 2024 | Pastor's Blog

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April 4, 2024


But you keep your head in all situations…

2 Timothy 4:5

Dear friends.


There's nothing inevitable about the state of the church in Western culture. The same gospel has the same divine power it has had throughout all of history. Slithering paganism has been checked and found wanting before. False teachers, with their false doctrine, have been confronted and defeated or repented and converted.


In Jesus' Day, Paul and Peter's Day, Augustine's Day, Luther's Day, John Owen's Day, and Whitefield's Day, each time it has been Christ alone, in our helplessness, therefore, our absolute need for Him, His magnificent sufficiency and His exclusivity has been at the heart of paganism's and false teacher's defeat. The church of Jesus Christ is inevitable and eternal. History is not in the hands of anyone but God our Father.


Many have turned away from Christ, and many will continue. After the death of Christ, all seemed lost, but soon after His resurrection, when Christ was lifted up from the earth and preached as the savior on His blood-soaked throne, He began to draw all people to Himself. He still does. It happens when Christ alone, crucified, buried, risen, ascended, and returning, is lifted up as the way, the truth, and the life, and all His glories are clearly displayed.


In Christ, there is a poise. There is the profound assurance that is not argued for, achieved, or worked for because it is received as a gift—the gift of resting in what Jesus Christ did on the cross.


Take heart, good Christian. The best is yet to come, forever and ever world without end.


God bless you in all things, great and small.

Pastor Joe