Letters to the Family of God
by Joe Franzone | June 26, 2024 | Pastor's Blog

June 26, 2024
Moses also said, “You will know that it was the Lord when He gives you meat to eat in the evening and all the bread you want in the morning because He has heard your grumbling against Him. Who are we? You are not grumbling against us but against the Lord.”
How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?
The certainty of heaven wipes away every loss or sorrow that might otherwise drag us down in despair.
Martin Luther
Dear Friends.
In the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, people grumbled often. For example, when God’s people come to the very edge of the promised land, the oldest generation is not allowed to go in. Why? Near the beginning of their journey, they were grumbling and complaining (ultimately to God) about their current predicament compared to their days as slaves in Egypt, which provoked God’s anger. (Number 14)
For this reason, people often wonder if they verbalize their doubts or fears. If they say, Lord, why is this happening? Why have You allowed this in my life? Where are You, Lord? Why is this going on? Is this the same as grumbling?
The Difference
Grumbling comes from a place of anger towards God. Grumbling comes from a hardness of heart. In grumbling, we shake our fists at God. We are waving our fingers at Him. We turn away. We don’t trust Him.
Lamenting is the opposite of grumbling. Lamenting is nothing near grumbling. Lamenting is crying out to God, asking God why things are this way. In it, we are saying, I don’t understand God. I am hurting. Lamenting comes out of a heart fully trusting God. They have a grounded understanding and experiential knowledge of the character of God and the love of God in Christ.
When we lament, we understand only God can change the situation; we turn to Him for help. We are pouring out our hearts to Him. Grumbling means we do not believe a change is possible—even by God, or we deserve better, and God needs to do something about this.
Therein, lamenting is turning to God rather than from God. The grumbler shakes their fist at God, while the posture of the lamenting is to hold out their hands to God, seeking grace from Him.
The protection of His child and treasure
Is a charge that on Himself He laid.
“As your days your strength shall be in measure.”
This is the pledge to me he made.
Day By Day—Verse Two
God bless you in all things great and small.
Pastor Joe