Men's Ministry
Purpose Statement
The Men’s Ministry exists to create opportunities for men of all ages to receive encouragement and spiritual care through God’s Word and His people. With God and His Word as our authority, our hope is to see a growing number of men who are increasingly reflecting their union with Christ at home, work, in the church and the different places God has put us.
Men’s Bible Study
We will continue working through Men & Women in the Word: New Testament. Join us in room 101 on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:45pm led by Joe Franzone.
Men’s Conversation Group
Our group meets for community and conversation. This event is open to all men 13 years and older. Snacks and beverages provided.
Between September and May, join us every other Thursday from 6:30 to 8:30pm at the Bass Brook Community Center (105 NW 5th Street, Cohasset) attached to Cohasset Elementary School.
September 12 & 26
October 10 & 24
November 7 & 21
December 5 & 19
January 2, 16 & 30
February 13 & 27
March 13 & 27
April 10 & 24
May 8 & 22
Throughout the summer, we meet at a different home once a month. If you would like to join us, please call 218-999-9030 for the meeting address.

Kent Christensen
Men's Ministry Co-Leader

Patrick Mathias
Men's Ministry Co-Leader