Ministry Leader & Volunteer Resources

We are so thankful for each ministry leader and volunteer who serves at West Cohasset Chapel. We hope these resources will be helpful to you as you serve Christ.

Helps for Minstries at WCC

How can our Church Ministry Coordinator serve your ministry?

Business Cards
Direct Mail Items (Letter, Postcard)
Graphic Design
Info E-mail

Information on Facebook Page
Job Descriptions/Definitions for Ministry Leaders/Volunteers
Ministry Mission Statements
Ministry Planning
Personal Invitations

Public Announcements
Support for Events and Planning
Website (Add an Event or Webpage)
Welcome Center Brochure
Weekly Wire Newsletter Announcement

How can our Secretary serve your ministry?

Access to Supplies
Bulletin Board Poster
Church Calendar

Editing Documents
Info E-mail

PowerPoint Slide
Scheduling Events
Worship Folder (Inserts/Announcements)

Ways to Communicate WCC Ministries

Bulletin Board Poster
Business Cards
Direct Mail

Info E-mail
Facebook Page
Personal Contact/Invitation
PowerPoint Slide

Website (Add an Event or Webpage)
Welcome Center Brochure
Weekly Wire Newsletter Announcement
Scheduling Events
Worship Folder (Inserts/Announcements)

Please have all worship folder/PowerPoint announcements into the Secretary by Wednesday at 11 AM of each week.

Please submit all public announcements/presentations for the worship service to the Church Ministry Coordinator by Thursday prior to the announcement being made.

As a rule, there is a minimum one-month lead time for requests to make public announcements.  This is in order to help the planning of our weekly service.  We will do our best to accommodate each request and communicate information in a timely and effective manner.

Please keep in mind that our worship folder and calendar fill up quickly and more notice is very helpful for planning purposes.

Thank you for your cooperation!