My Prayer For You Today
Pastor Joe | August 23, 2021 | My Prayer For You Today

August 23, 2021
Father, help us to remember, You will answer us in all our pleadings.
What we have never seen before, heard of, or dreamed of You will gladly do for us.
New blessings invented if needed.
You will send Your angelic host so succor what our needs or distress require. You can astound us with Your grace, making us think it has never been done before quite like this.
Father, your Son said, If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. (John 15:7) Please help us to believe this, teach us to pray in light of this, and answer us according to Your word.
For Jesus’ sake, keep teaching us to pray.
God bless you this week with all you need and even more.
Pastor Joe