My Prayer For You Today
Pastor Joe | September 20, 2021 | My Prayer For You Today

September 20, 2021
Dear Father,
Oh, this morning let your people feel that there is now no condemnation to them.
Let them feel the completeness of the washing Christ has given, the blessed fullness of the righteousness which Christ has imputed, the eternal vitality of that life with which Christ has endowed us, the indissoluble character of that union by which we are knit to Christ by ties that never can be broken.
May we today rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh; and do write upon our hearts these blessed words, “filled with all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19), and may we know it is so; that we have all that we can hold; and may we be praying to be enlarged, that we may take in even more of Christ than we have as yet received; for He is all ours, altogether ours, and our world without end.
In Christ Name—Amen.
Morning prayer from Charles Spurgeon
I am so thankful for the substitutionary death of Christ. No hope without Him.
Grace and peace this week—abounding.
Pastor Joe