My Prayer For You Today

Pastor Joe | January 10, 2022 | My Prayer For You Today


January 10, 2022

My prayer for you today.


Sometimes before I pray, I ask God to help me in my prayer to Him, at that moment. I say this because it seems like we are at a time in the life of the church where prayer is going to be the needed prerequisite for everything we attempt with God’s power, for God's glory, through God's grace in the coming year, as a church. Therefore, this prayer is a simple prayer asking God for more grace to pray.


I also would like to thank everyone for their participation in this past Sunday's family meeting. It was refreshing, joyful, peaceful, and very tender. The love of God was there, and we thank God together for such grace.

Father, You who commands and hears prayer. You who help Your people to pray. Please, pour out the spirit of grace and supplication, that Your throne of grace may be surrounded by supplicants, that there may be a great flocking to the mercy seat, and grace may be imparted abundantly to Your own glory, through Jesus Christ the high priest, who is passed into the heavens, and is that Your right hand forever. Amen.


Nathaniel Vince (1639-1697)

God bless you as you begin this week. We are fully loved, by our gracious God.

Pastor Joe