My Prayer For You Today
Pastor Joe | January 18, 2022 | My Prayer For You Today

January 18, 2022
Jesus, you are all compassion,
pure, unbounded love you are.
Visit us with your salvation;
enter every trembling heart.
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling.
Charles Wesley (1747)
My prayer for you today.
We do pray for all who are out of the way. For all those people whom we know who remain unsaved.
Lord, let them not die in their sins. Have mercy upon those who have had a godly training but remain ungodly. Oh, condemn them not, we pray, with such a mass of guilt upon them; but save them yet.
Lord, have great mercy upon those ignorant of Christ, and therefore, sin but know not what they do. Let them become trophies of your wondrous love. Gather them in; oh, please gather them in today. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.
Taken and slightly abridged from, Charles Spurgeon, Book of Prayer
May God be merciful in His answer to this prayer.
With all my love in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pastor Joe