My Prayer For You Today

Pastor Joe | November 15, 2021 | My Prayer For You Today


November 15, 2021

I will declare that your love stands firm forever,

That you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself.


Psalm 89:2

My prayer for you today,



Father, we most earnestly entreat You, You who love all of humankind, to bless all Your people, the flocks of Your fold.


Send down into our hearts the peace of heaven and grant us also Your peace in this life.


Let no deadly sin prevail against us or any of Your people. In mercy, deliver all who are in trouble, for You are our God, who sets the captives free, who gives hope to the hopeless, and help to the helpless; who lifts the fallen; and who is the haven of the shipwrecked.


Give Your pity, pardon, and refreshment to every Christian soul, whether in affliction or error. Guard Your people with loving protection.

Preserve us, in our pilgrimage through this life, when hurt or in danger. And grant that our hearts will delight in You, follow, and enjoy You, well-pleasing to You for Christ’s sake. Amen.



Taken and abridged from Prayers of the Early Church by J. Manning Potts


God bless you this week. May many moments of experiential awareness of God’s unfailing love in Christ be yours.

Pastor Joe