My Prayer For You Today
Pastor Joe | November 22, 2021 | My Prayer For You Today

November 22, 2021
For all that You've done, I will thank You
For all the You're going to do
For all that You've promised
And all that You are
Is all that has carried me through
Jesus, I thank You
Thank You, Lord – Verse One
And be thankful.
My prayer for you today.
As we have been given the gracious gift from God of another Thanksgiving Holiday, in every way, I am asking God to bless you and yours. We all work very hard. To know a few extra days of reprieve is good of God to give.
Father, we thank you for the blessing of family. and friends, and for
the loving care which surrounds us on every side.
We thank you also for the places in our life,
that lead us to acknowledge our daily dependence on you alone.
As well as future hopes we have that you will not die.
Above all, we thank you for your Son Jesus Christ; for
the truth of His Word and the example of His life; for His perfect
obedience, by which He overcame temptation; for his dying,
through which He overcame death, and for His rising to life
again, in which we are raised to the life of your kingdom.
Father, may you in your great love and tender mercy, grant to your church rest, peace, joys, provision, safety, comfort, and a profoundly deep awareness of Your unbreakable, unconditional, eternal love this Thanksgiving.
May His grace and peace abound. Happy Thanksgiving.
Pastor Joe