A Prayer For You Today
Pastor Joe | December 11, 2022 | A Prayer For You Today
December 11, 2022
Dear friends,
On the second week of Advent, with beautiful help from the children of the church, we celebrated the Love of God in Christ. In Christ, as Christ is the final and only acceptable ransom price paid for our sins.
A prayer for you today.
God and Father, thank you, your love is an objective reality filled with all kinds of genuine subjective experiences.
Your love for us, then, is never fickle. It is fixed.
Your love for us is not a temporal mood and far more than sentiment, although it’s not less than sentiment.
Your love can be investigated, tested, thought through, and the conclusions will always be the same; because the conclusions do not depend on us; they depend on You and your Son and His great work of redeeming us from sin by his death on the cross.
Thank you, Father, for have taken and are taking sinners and make them at once -Saints! Hallelujah! What a Savior. Amen.
God bless you this week, deepening our understanding of His love,
Pastor Joe