A Prayer For You Today
Pastor Joe | February 12, 2024 | A Prayer For You Today

February 12, 2024
You, God, are my God.
Dear Saints,
There are times when hymns can help us pray, times when our hymnbook becomes our prayerbook. The following is a hymn that can help us pray.
A prayer for you today.
Spirit of heaven, flood over me,
Forming Christ in all that I do;
Turn every sinful desire in me
Into holy passion for You.
O Spirit of God, come down;
Let mercy and grace abound.
My passionate prayer shall be:
Christ in me.
Spirit of beauty and holiness,
Come refine with fire from above,
Till I am cast in Your righteousness,
And I love the things that You love.
Breathe Your forgiveness when darkness falls
And my heart is heavy with sin;
Fill me with faith for the higher cause
Of the ceaseless praise of the King.
Spirit of Heaven Flood Over Me by Stuart Townend
God bless you with all you need and more besides.
Pastor Joe