A Prayer For You Today
Pastor Joe | March 11, 2024 | A Prayer For You Today

March 11, 2024
Dear friends,
Easter can come in and out like a flash. There is less build-up to it than we have at Christmas. It comes and goes. I am trying to slow Easter down and using some Easter readings to help me—the following prayer for you today is from one such reading.
Merciful Lord, the comforter and teacher of Your faithful people, increase in Your church the desires that You have given and settle the hearts of those who hope in You by enabling us to understand the depth of Your promises that all of Your adopted children may even now see, with the eyes of faith, and patiently wait for, the light which as yet You do not openly reveal, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Ambrose - Fourth Century
God bless you in all things and at every moment.
Pastor Joe