My Prayer For You Today

Pastor Joe | March 7, 2022 | My Prayer For You Today


March 7, 2022

My prayer for you today.



Holy Father, I thank and praise You for sending Your only Son into the world. Give us eyes to see the beauty and perfection of Jesus, the spotless Lamb who willingly sacrificed Himself so that we might receive forgiveness and new life.


Father, remind us that because Jesus experienced the darkness, You have shown us Your light; because He experienced alienation, You have promised us a home; because He experienced the grave, You have given us heaven. And help us not to be afraid, because You are our shield and very great reward. 


And in light of Your grace, may we live a humble life of faith, trusting in Your goodness and laying down our life for others. In Christ’s Name, Amen.


Taken and slightly abridge from Tim Keller.



God bless you and carry you day by day in the week set before us.


Pastor Joe