A Prayer For You Today

Pastor Joe | May 31, 2023 | A Prayer For You Today

A Prayer for You Today (1)

May 31, 2023

God Himself will provide…

 Genesis 22:8

Dear friends.


As the school year draws to an end, it seems completely appropriate to give God’s thanks for His continued preservation and provision of all things. We may not all mark our calendars by school, but we were all loved and carried by Him.



A prayer for you today.



What can we say, Father and God, for Your goodness to us?

In humble wonder, we bless You for Your grace and provision.

A thousand beautiful thoughts fill our heads of Your goodness.


Thank You for the body You have given us, and the senses we enjoy. Even more importantly, thank You for the strength and ability to serve You.


Thank You for the ability to move- under our own power, guided by Yours. Your hand stays close, strengthening our nerves, restoring our strength, and giving us nightly rest.


Thank You for the bounty You provide each day, not only for us but for all people.


Thank You for the tables You spread before us and for the overflowing cup You place in our hands.


Thank You to so many dear relatives at home and our kind friends abroad.


Thank You for a heart that feels the sorrows of those in need.


Help us to remember, as You taught, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”(Acts 20:35)


Thank You for the grace of caring for others.


Thank You for watching over our children this school year. Thank You for what they learned and how they grew.


Thank You for a home and bed, table and chair, water, food, books, hobbies, free time, marital love, public worship, and private devotion.


Thank You for the blessings of overwhelming joys, our complete salvation in Christ, the promise of His return, and the day when all evil will end. Amen.


Taken and slightly abridged from the Puritan prayer book, Piercing Heaven.



With all my love in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastor Joe