A Prayer For You Today
Pastor Joe | June 10, 2024 | A Prayer For You Today

June 10, 2024
Dear friends,
For, a bit, over five years, I have used Luther’s short commentary on the Psalms in my morning readings. He ends each chapter with a prayer. Last week’s prayers, I read, were very moving for me, and I would like to share them with you.
They cover conversion of the lost, the blessing of God on marriages, and family life.
Merciful Father in heaven, convert sinners and comfort Your believers with Your Word and Spirit. Grant us willing hearts and understanding minds to sow the seed of Your Word broadcast among men. Strengthen our hearts so that we faint not but wait for the harvest in the world to come through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
You also, in Your mercy, instituted holy wedlock. Please preserve it and bless it. Please, cause Your peace to dwell under our roof. Make every home Your temple. Fashion the hearts of husbands to love their wives, wives to love their husbands, parents to love their children, and children to love their parents.
And finally, bless the labor of our hands as You supply all we need, for Jesus’ sake.
God bless you in all things great and small.
Pastor Joe