
Our nursery is open for your children who are 0-3 years old. The rear of the nursery is always available to nursing moms and for diaper changes.

All volunteers are required to fill out a WCC volunteer form and complete a background check before serving in the nursery. We staff the nursery with at least two adults. Our goal is to encourage families to worship together on a Sunday morning while providing safe, age-appropriate care for your infant or toddler. We look forward to caring for your little one as you attend services.

Our nursery has room for everyone!

  • Our check-in system assures our volunteers have the information about your child for their best care.
  • We have a separate area to keep infants safe from toddling feet.
  • We respect a mother’s privacy to nurse. A chair in the back of our nursery invites her to connect with her infant while still staying connected to others in the nursery.
  • We offer a diapering area fully stocked for emergencies.

If you have questions about this ministry please contact the church office at 218-999-9030 or email