I am a Christian because through my actions, I am reminded daily that I am a sinner in need of a Savior. There was a time when the knowledge of my sin made me run from God in shame, but I've come to know that He isn't surprised by our sin. He is always faithful to forgive those who call on Him. —Jordan
As a young man, I turned to drugs, alcohol, and crime to fill a deep void of brokenness. After an especially dark season, I found myself incarcerated and hopeless. It was there that a man presented the Gospel to me. I was told about the new life I could have with Christ through repentance and faith in Jesus. With the power of the Holy Spirit, my heart began to change and I was freed from addiction and continue to be freed from the chains that had held me hostage to pain for so long. I know now that only God can fill that void and that’s why I choose to follow Him. —Mark
When I was eight, I became aware of my need for a Savior and asked Jesus into my heart. I don’t think I really understood quite how cool this was. Since then, though I have only begun to notice it over the last few years, God has blessed me. Not just with “ups,” but also with “downs.’’ He is leading me on a journey and continues to give me reasons to love Him, to be happy, to wonder at His glory, and to be thankful. God is great, God is good, and He truly is infinite. —Caleb (age 15)
I am a Christian because God, in His kindness, rescued me. To be honest, I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know that I was loved by a good God. But as life has unfolded, I’ve become so much more aware of my great need of a Savior. And the grace that meets my need because of Jesus? It’s astounding! —Cody
I am a Christian because when I was 22 years old, God finally caught up to me. You see, he had been pursuing me for years, but I had just been running the rat race we humans run! When I realized God was calling out to me in love, I got down on my knees and asked him to change me. I repented of my sins and called out to him. We have walked together ever since. —Patrick
When I was 26, my coworker told me about Jesus and why He went to the cross. For the first time in my life, I began to understand that I was a sinner in need of a Savior. One day, after three months of talking about Jesus, I asked God to forgive me. I told Jesus that I couldn’t live another day without Him and asked Him to come into my life and be my Savior. That day I became a Christian. I am a Christian because while I was still a sinner, Christ died for me. —Kayla