A Prayer For You Today

Pastor Joe | October 14, 2024 | A Prayer For You Today

A Prayer for You Today (1)

October 14, 2024

Dear Friends,

Before I have the privilege of preaching Sunday by Sunday, I pray many prayers. Here is one. The words are not mine. They are Philip Doddridge's (1702-1751), a Puritan pastor.


A prayer for you today.


Blessed God! You gave me a rational soul, and I depend on You entirely to empower every capacity You have given me.

I am not sufficient myself; all my sufficiency is of You.      

Now I enter this important work, and I want to be aware of my need for Your gracious assistance. Keep me focused on the work ahead of me, I beg You. Do not let any vain or intruding thoughts break in or hinder me. Direct my mind to proper thoughts, and to the best way of arranging and expressing them.

Fire my heart with the holy affection, that divine thoughts still warm from my own soul, may more easily penetrate into the hearts of those who hear me.

Help me remember that I am not speaking to gain a reputation for eloquence, but that I am preparing food for precious and immortal souls, dispensing that scared gospel which my Redeemer brought from heaven, and sealed with His blood.

So direct me to make this sermon most useful for Christian edification. And grant me refreshment as I study, that it may be one of the most joy-filled tasks of my life. While I am watering others, may I be watered myself also, and bring forth daily more and more fruit, to the glory of great name, through Jesus Christ. Amen.


God bless you, dear friends.

Pastor Joe