
Are you new here?

All are welcome as we learn to follow Jesus together.

Who We Are

We are a community of believers, in Christ, in Northern Minnesota, about ten minutes west of Grand Rapids.

We come together, week by week, to bring God glory through singing, hearing His Word preached, loving Him and loving one another.

We’re glad that you’re here. We invite you to spend some time getting to know us, and we hope that you’ll come away from this site encouraged to join us at West Cohasset Chapel.

What To Expect

Our desire is to help families worship and grow in their relationship with God together. At West Cohasset Chapel (WCC), we hope you will come as you are.

Some people dress up, but most don’t. We believe that God cares more about the condition of your heart than the style of your clothes.

Expect meaningful worship, expository teaching from God’s Word, and a casual, welcoming atmosphere. We typically do not take an offering at WCC, and we won’t push you to make a financial donation.

We would love to get to know you, and we have created a Welcome Book for you to get to know us. We hope you will enjoy. Click here to check it out!


West Cohasset Chapel began as a Sunday School ministry of Oak Hills Bible College in the late 1920’s when travel to Grand Rapids for church services was difficult and the need for ministries in the area was great.

Officially organized in 1931, the Sunday School ministry of West Cohasset Chapel met in local one room school houses and homes until work began for a church at our present location in 1938.

95 years later, the ministries of West Cohasset Chapel are a testament to the faithfulness of God. Much has changed since our humble beginning, but our mission remains the same as it was in 1929: to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our community and to the world.

Our great hope is that through the ministries of WCC, you will meet Christ and grow in your relationship with Him. We hope you will join us!