A Prayer For You Today

Pastor Joe | July 29, 2024 | A Prayer For You Today

A Prayer for You Today (1)

July 29, 2024

Dear friends.


It is not our job to make our lives matter. Our lives matter because God made them and loves them enough, even if we have failed miserably or fallen prey to the fallen paths of a broken world. Take heart and feel your worth.


A prayer for you today.


O God,
the protector of all who trust in You,
without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy:


Increase and multiply upon us Your mercy and Your rest;

that, with You as our ruler and guide,
we may so pass through things temporal,
that we lose not the things eternal;


through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Taken and slightly abridged from the prayers of Scott McKnight


May God bless you and give you rest.

Pastor Joe